Case study

Vedined stands for Verf Distributie Nederland and is a partnership between Sigma wholesale companies and paint manufacturer PPG Coatings. The participants of Vedined share their knowledge of paint and painting tools to develop a complete range of professional tools under the ProGold brand name.

The market situation

Vedined, a purchasing consortium consisting of ten participants, offers an extensive range of non-paint products under the ProGold brand name through their wholesalers. The ProGold brand is supported by monthly promotional leaflets and sales promotion activities.

The challenge

Each month, a 16,000-copy action leaflet is produced and distributed by HCM. The accompanying POS material (posters, counter displays, header material) is adapted monthly to the action leaflet and delivered to the various points of sale in the correct print run and composition.

Each action leaflet has a sales promotion with an attractive gadget chosen by a working group. HCM regularly provides the gadgets for the ProGold promotions. The Vedined participants can subscribe in advance to the sales promotions/gadgets, for example, to a construction kit which, if enough purchase is made, also includes personalized stickers with the name of the point of sale.

The solution

HCM is a one-stop shop for Vedined. Provides printing for the action leaflets and POS materials. Sourcing the action premiums and distribution to the points of sale. HCM has been working with Vedined for over fifteen years because HCM (co)thinks in terms of solutions and can switch very quickly when necessary.

The results

Each month HCM provides the ProGold action leaflet with action premiums that painters love coming to Vedined outlets for. The gadgets range from ProGold dartboards and Formula I calendars to beach chairs and personalized construction kits.